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Eric Stryker was sometimes called Noel Kemp so we put both names on the box since we had that luxury. But we had to be careful with whom we put Jimmy. Well just as we thought, our exclusive Jimmy Metz hade out in front of all our eyes. Genres: Anal, Oral, Bareback, Classics, Vintage Not only does this German flick contain the jaw-dropping skinhead theme, it also serves up pierced-cock P.A.'s being tugged on, a /gang-bang/torture sequence that borders on the excruciating, and in the Director's Cut version unsavory practices regarding relieving one's bladder and a ferocious fisting.Ĭast: Jimmy Metz, Noel Kemp, Michael Christophe, Bryan Young, Jon King That said, a warning is definitely warranted. And if you're so inclined, a hot one that will get you off and make you feel warm and sticky. This ain't a documentary, ok? Sure, it's disturbing, but it's all just staged fantasy. Now before all you knee-jerk liberals out there get your panties in a bunch, please remember: it's just porn for, God's sake! This stuff is staged, and the models are just that - hired models. Genres: Anal, Oral Sex, Group, Fisting, Masturbation, CumshotĪ tightly-jeans clad roving crew of skinheads band together to wreak havoc. Cast: Dirk Stahl, Eric Horn, Leroy Lellek, Jan Losch, Tim Vinzent, Markus, Ingo, Uwe, Toddy, Gizmo

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